Bennett Seminar Series
1 – Psychodynamic Assessment of Character Structure Overview
Date: Friday May 10th, 1pm-4pm
Location: Online
Cost: $85
Seminar Description
This seminar will review broadly psychodynamic perspectives on the diagnosis of personality
organization and personality disorder. The emphasis will be diagnosing personality organization
as an aid to conducting psychotherapy. Dr. Bennett will provide an overview of the
psychodynamic sensibility about identifying diagnosing personality disorder, highlighting the
clinical usefulness of identifying and describing patterns of handling affect, defensive styles, and
perceiving interpersonal reality. This discussion will include an emphasis on how to adopt
certain “stances” in psychotherapy based on personality diagnosis.
Learning Objectives
- Recognize and name basic defensive operations used by individuals in order to modulate affect
and avoid emotional pain or pressure. - Identify key features of psychotic, characterological / borderline, and neurotic / normal
personality development in therapy populations. - Analyze key features of interpersonal behavior in such a way as to develop tentative hypotheses
about underlying character organization.

Dr. Matthew Bennett, Chair of the Counseling Psychology Department at Pacifica Graduate Institute, teaches classes in theories of psychotherapy and psychological assessment. Matthew is a licensed psychologist, lecturer, and administrator with experience in public sector mental health and substance abuse treatment. He has broad experience in program development. He was formerly founder and first Director of Training for the Ventura County Behavioral Health Pre-Doctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology and Chair-Elect of the Psychology Department at Ventura County Medical Center in Ventura, California. His research interests include personality disorders, comparative personality theory, and internet applications for mental health. Dr. Bennett is also a returned Peace Corps volunteer (“Poland III, 1991-1993”).
Mathew Bennett’s book on the topic of these lecture is set to release on Sept. 17th. Orders can be made here.
Date of all seminars: 5/10, 5/24, 6/7, 7/12, 8/9